A fine little article from Newsweek about Kenya's gangs
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights Vs. Egypt's Emergency Law
This is what it comes down to. Egypt is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and as such has specific legal obligations to respect and uphold the right to peaceful assembly protected by Article 21 of the treaty. A state may only limit this right if it is “necessary in a democratic society,” and even then in only certain, specific situations. Egyptian police and security forces’ detention of peaceful protestors violates the right to be free from arbitrary arrest or detention. Article 9 of the covenant requires a state party to provide any victim of unlawful arrest or detention with an enforceable right to compensation.
Middle east,
Monday, January 21, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Ghandi's Grandson the Blogger criticizes Israel
The grandson of Mahatma Gandhi called Israel and Jews the "biggest players" in the world's "culture of violence."
Nearly 500 people responded to the blog entry by Arun Gandhi, part of the Washington Post/Newsweek "On Faith" section.
The respondents were divided between those that called Gandhi an anti-Semite and those that added their own criticism of Jews and the Jewish state, as well as examinations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"Jewish identity in the past has been locked into the Holocaust experience," Gandhi stated in his Jan. 7 blog. "It is a very good example of how a community can overplay a historic experience to the point that it begins to repulse friends."
He added that the Jewish future appears bleak, since it is a nation "that believes its survival can only be ensured by weapons and bombs."
In an apology posted three days later, Gandhi said that while he stands behind his criticisms of the State of Israel's use of violence, he should not have implied that all Jews support this.
in a statement released Sunday, the executive director of the American Jewish Committee chided Gandhi.
"To suggest that Jews today are using the Holocaust at the expense of others is reprehensible," David Harris wrote. "Regrettably, in the Internet age, it is difficult for a writer, especially one with a popular family name, to retract such hurtful, misinformed statements, and, indeed, Mr. Gandhi has fallen short in his subsequent apology.
"Let’s be clear. Israel, since its establishment by the United Nations 60 years ago, has sought to live in peace and security with all her neighbors. Israel was not created as a militaristic state, nor has it sought to dominate another people, as Gandhi argues."
Nearly 500 people responded to the blog entry by Arun Gandhi, part of the Washington Post/Newsweek "On Faith" section.
The respondents were divided between those that called Gandhi an anti-Semite and those that added their own criticism of Jews and the Jewish state, as well as examinations of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
"Jewish identity in the past has been locked into the Holocaust experience," Gandhi stated in his Jan. 7 blog. "It is a very good example of how a community can overplay a historic experience to the point that it begins to repulse friends."
He added that the Jewish future appears bleak, since it is a nation "that believes its survival can only be ensured by weapons and bombs."
In an apology posted three days later, Gandhi said that while he stands behind his criticisms of the State of Israel's use of violence, he should not have implied that all Jews support this.
in a statement released Sunday, the executive director of the American Jewish Committee chided Gandhi.
"To suggest that Jews today are using the Holocaust at the expense of others is reprehensible," David Harris wrote. "Regrettably, in the Internet age, it is difficult for a writer, especially one with a popular family name, to retract such hurtful, misinformed statements, and, indeed, Mr. Gandhi has fallen short in his subsequent apology.
"Let’s be clear. Israel, since its establishment by the United Nations 60 years ago, has sought to live in peace and security with all her neighbors. Israel was not created as a militaristic state, nor has it sought to dominate another people, as Gandhi argues."
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Is it possible to be in-love with lust itself?
Oh lust, a past time favorite, many heart throbbed moments over the euphoric changes in chemical constituency that make up sweet, delicious, irresistible lust. Just the word on its own is insatiably sexy. Prompting a slight variable in heart rate. Go ahead, let it slither off your tongue. Sounds nice, doesn't it?
When that intoxicating desire is overflowing in the early days of a relationship, all is right in the world. She's perfect for me, full of vivacious surprises, reminding me of my youth, redefining the word chemistry, knowing my every thought before hand, kissing my wounds and touching the very essence of my soul. The unity as we coalesce into one body in perfect unison, she is my Venus, voluptuous yet so innocent, intelligible yet a real freak. Sound familiar guys, how about this one ladies? He's perfect. His laugh is infectious, the sex amazing and everything he says is magical. Even his obsessive love of sports and the way he leaves his socks scattered about his house is adorable. Well welcome to lust. An all time favorite but unfortunately, for the lust-addicted, it's also ephemeral. So temporary and delicate, these sensational libido-crazed days will inevitably slip through your fingers. All at once you feel her spoontenuity has turned into insecurity and her preomonition into nagging. Then, quite suddenly, you're noticing that his dirty sock trail is actually kind of stinky, that your sex life has taken a dip in favor of the soccer game.
What's happening here? Well in economics it is called the elasticity of demand. After eating one sandwich you may want another, after two ya sure, maybe just one more but after the third, your rubber band is fully stretched out and you become completely saturated. In other words if you measure it by love standards then you are led to believe that Cupid's potent chemicals are wearing off. Now, don't panic just yet and get shit faced over it. There might still be hope cuz a lot of true love relationships started out the same way. Romantic relationships can be broken down into three phases, with each one offering up its own special concoction of chemicals. Not surprising then that the sex-around-the-clock Lust stage is overrun with testosterone and estrogen, a thrilling concoction that keeps you and your flame stuck together like glue and in an initial daze.
So try and learn how to differntiate between the glossy fantasy and creating a lasting relationship. Lust is a common novelty that can only last a few months to maybe a year at most, but identify that and don't get thrown into a rut, looking to fill voids in your persona to compensate for old scars. Many a time both parties fall snuggly into this dilema. Regardless, we all fall in love with lust the very moment we experience its overwhelming God given pleasure and intensity.
Round two, known as the Romantic Love or Attraction phase. Here, the chemicals dopamine (also triggered by cocaine to give you an idea of the high you're on); norepinephrine, also known as adrenaline, and serotonin come rushing in. Talk about an intense rush. It's a time easily identifiable by the fact you're feeling doped up. In fact, its obsessive power can cause you to forget about everything else because, let's face it, who cares about your to-do list when you could be snuggled up together? But, do all good things come to an end?
For real love to kick in, the following must take place. Here, the powerful bonding chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin get released. Personally, they produce a good feeling, although a very serious one, don't try to compare it to the lust days. It results in more practical sentences, such as, "Whats for dinner?" start replacing the more impractical approach of wolfing down just enough grub to energize you for another round in the sack. Why can't we just float around in Cupid's sparkly love dust forever underneath the missile toe and pink clouds galore? Well because a relationship is always a work in progress. It's called evolution, relationships that don't change and adopt to their collective environment become extinct. Case closed. That means sitting down and discussing everything from work, family to their relationship five times a week, besides praying five times a day if you are trying to become devout Muslims together. Fearing for the well being of your soul mate in this life as well as the next. No pain no gain right. Yet it's definitely worth the effort. There is a great comfort in knowing you're not together because of lust alone at this point, welcome to phase three.
When there are little ups and downs -- and big ups and downs -- we have history, we've got faith, and we have a commitment to each other ... it's rewarding having someone we feel intimately understands us. So make sure you take all the above into consideration in order to make the best of what you have on your plate right now. There is a difference as you can see between love and lust and even being in love with lust itself.
This post is dedicated to all those going through the different stages of infatuation, whether on the true path to real love or just in the midst's of being in love with the idea itself.
When that intoxicating desire is overflowing in the early days of a relationship, all is right in the world. She's perfect for me, full of vivacious surprises, reminding me of my youth, redefining the word chemistry, knowing my every thought before hand, kissing my wounds and touching the very essence of my soul. The unity as we coalesce into one body in perfect unison, she is my Venus, voluptuous yet so innocent, intelligible yet a real freak. Sound familiar guys, how about this one ladies? He's perfect. His laugh is infectious, the sex amazing and everything he says is magical. Even his obsessive love of sports and the way he leaves his socks scattered about his house is adorable. Well welcome to lust. An all time favorite but unfortunately, for the lust-addicted, it's also ephemeral. So temporary and delicate, these sensational libido-crazed days will inevitably slip through your fingers. All at once you feel her spoontenuity has turned into insecurity and her preomonition into nagging. Then, quite suddenly, you're noticing that his dirty sock trail is actually kind of stinky, that your sex life has taken a dip in favor of the soccer game.
What's happening here? Well in economics it is called the elasticity of demand. After eating one sandwich you may want another, after two ya sure, maybe just one more but after the third, your rubber band is fully stretched out and you become completely saturated. In other words if you measure it by love standards then you are led to believe that Cupid's potent chemicals are wearing off. Now, don't panic just yet and get shit faced over it. There might still be hope cuz a lot of true love relationships started out the same way. Romantic relationships can be broken down into three phases, with each one offering up its own special concoction of chemicals. Not surprising then that the sex-around-the-clock Lust stage is overrun with testosterone and estrogen, a thrilling concoction that keeps you and your flame stuck together like glue and in an initial daze.
So try and learn how to differntiate between the glossy fantasy and creating a lasting relationship. Lust is a common novelty that can only last a few months to maybe a year at most, but identify that and don't get thrown into a rut, looking to fill voids in your persona to compensate for old scars. Many a time both parties fall snuggly into this dilema. Regardless, we all fall in love with lust the very moment we experience its overwhelming God given pleasure and intensity.
Round two, known as the Romantic Love or Attraction phase. Here, the chemicals dopamine (also triggered by cocaine to give you an idea of the high you're on); norepinephrine, also known as adrenaline, and serotonin come rushing in. Talk about an intense rush. It's a time easily identifiable by the fact you're feeling doped up. In fact, its obsessive power can cause you to forget about everything else because, let's face it, who cares about your to-do list when you could be snuggled up together? But, do all good things come to an end?
For real love to kick in, the following must take place. Here, the powerful bonding chemicals oxytocin and vasopressin get released. Personally, they produce a good feeling, although a very serious one, don't try to compare it to the lust days. It results in more practical sentences, such as, "Whats for dinner?" start replacing the more impractical approach of wolfing down just enough grub to energize you for another round in the sack. Why can't we just float around in Cupid's sparkly love dust forever underneath the missile toe and pink clouds galore? Well because a relationship is always a work in progress. It's called evolution, relationships that don't change and adopt to their collective environment become extinct. Case closed. That means sitting down and discussing everything from work, family to their relationship five times a week, besides praying five times a day if you are trying to become devout Muslims together. Fearing for the well being of your soul mate in this life as well as the next. No pain no gain right. Yet it's definitely worth the effort. There is a great comfort in knowing you're not together because of lust alone at this point, welcome to phase three.
When there are little ups and downs -- and big ups and downs -- we have history, we've got faith, and we have a commitment to each other ... it's rewarding having someone we feel intimately understands us. So make sure you take all the above into consideration in order to make the best of what you have on your plate right now. There is a difference as you can see between love and lust and even being in love with lust itself.
This post is dedicated to all those going through the different stages of infatuation, whether on the true path to real love or just in the midst's of being in love with the idea itself.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Egypt should pay for Nile waters - haha!
Can you believe this?
Some African with a psychosis says:
Just as oil is the natural wealth of the Arab world, which the nations hosting Lake Victoria pay for dearly, the waters of Lake Victoria are the natural wealth of the people of East Africa and should diligently be utilised for the benefit of its people.
The Arabs in the north irrigate their dry land to produce food for their people using our Lake Victoria waters at no cost at all, yet no single drop of their oil can reach us freely.
Since the Nile water agreement was reached, the nations hosting Lake Victoria have been kind to the Egyptians to our detriment, and now it is high time we sold our water to them. What is required at this juncture is for Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi to collectively support Uganda where the Nile River starts off, by looking for ways and means of installing a water meter so that we start billing Egypt for the water she uses monthly.
Talk about "De Nial"
Here is the article in it's entirety http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgcontententry.asp?category_id=23&newsid=114092
Some African with a psychosis says:
Just as oil is the natural wealth of the Arab world, which the nations hosting Lake Victoria pay for dearly, the waters of Lake Victoria are the natural wealth of the people of East Africa and should diligently be utilised for the benefit of its people.
The Arabs in the north irrigate their dry land to produce food for their people using our Lake Victoria waters at no cost at all, yet no single drop of their oil can reach us freely.
Since the Nile water agreement was reached, the nations hosting Lake Victoria have been kind to the Egyptians to our detriment, and now it is high time we sold our water to them. What is required at this juncture is for Kenya, Tanzania and Burundi to collectively support Uganda where the Nile River starts off, by looking for ways and means of installing a water meter so that we start billing Egypt for the water she uses monthly.
Talk about "De Nial"
Here is the article in it's entirety http://www.nationmedia.com/dailynation/nmgcontententry.asp?category_id=23&newsid=114092
Israel sues Egypt for Kassams
Check this is out..
Ten families from Sderot, whose loved ones were either killed or seriously wounded by Kassam rockets, are set to file a major suit against the Egyptian government on Monday afternoon, Israel Radio reported.
The families blamed the Egyptian government for deliberately assisting terror organizations in smuggling weapons and explosives into the Gaza Strip.
Moreover, the residents alleged that Egypt assisted terrorists who infiltrated into its territory from Gaza to reach Iran, Syria and Lebanon and return to the Strip with the knowledge they acquired there.
The residents have also alleged that Egypt has assisted terror organizations to smuggle millions of dollars into the Strip which is strengthening their stronghold in Gaza.
Chairman of Shurat Ha-Din organization, Nitzana Darshan-Laitner, is demanding that the Egyptians pay million of dollars in compensation to the families.
Alleged fabricated evidence of Egypt's complicity with terrorists was presented to congress by Israel which is cause for the latest tensions between the otherwise close allies.
Egypt sending more troops to the border will conflict with the Camp David peace accord, plus it is highly unlikely that egypt will support Hamas; an Islamist movement with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood- the Egyptian governments arch enemy. Something is up here, but what exactly, I don't know?
Ten families from Sderot, whose loved ones were either killed or seriously wounded by Kassam rockets, are set to file a major suit against the Egyptian government on Monday afternoon, Israel Radio reported.
The families blamed the Egyptian government for deliberately assisting terror organizations in smuggling weapons and explosives into the Gaza Strip.
Moreover, the residents alleged that Egypt assisted terrorists who infiltrated into its territory from Gaza to reach Iran, Syria and Lebanon and return to the Strip with the knowledge they acquired there.
The residents have also alleged that Egypt has assisted terror organizations to smuggle millions of dollars into the Strip which is strengthening their stronghold in Gaza.
Chairman of Shurat Ha-Din organization, Nitzana Darshan-Laitner, is demanding that the Egyptians pay million of dollars in compensation to the families.
Alleged fabricated evidence of Egypt's complicity with terrorists was presented to congress by Israel which is cause for the latest tensions between the otherwise close allies.
Egypt sending more troops to the border will conflict with the Camp David peace accord, plus it is highly unlikely that egypt will support Hamas; an Islamist movement with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood- the Egyptian governments arch enemy. Something is up here, but what exactly, I don't know?
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Pakistan - Myth of Islamic Terrorism - True or False?
A very interesting article about pakistan. Is it the truth or just a very convincing point of view? Well worth the read if you are even remotely curious about what is going on in pakistan.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Egypt weighs legality of divorce by text message
I shit you not, this is for real, an Egyptian court has been asked to rule on whether a husband can send a text message to divorce his wife. AFP says the case stems from the actions of Abul Nasr, a Cairo engineer who declared the end of his marriage in three text messages that were sent to his wife, Iqbal Abul Nasr.
"I divorce you because you didn't answer your husband," he wrote in the last message, according to the state-run Al-Akhbar newspaper.
Under Islamic law, men can end a marriage by making a unilateral declaration of divorce that is repeated at least three times. Some countries have banned the use of cellphone messages to repeat the declaration, but Egypt has yet to rule on the legality of this practice. Cool stuff huh?
"I divorce you because you didn't answer your husband," he wrote in the last message, according to the state-run Al-Akhbar newspaper.
Under Islamic law, men can end a marriage by making a unilateral declaration of divorce that is repeated at least three times. Some countries have banned the use of cellphone messages to repeat the declaration, but Egypt has yet to rule on the legality of this practice. Cool stuff huh?
Moderate Islam,
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

This not only angered some of his political opponents back home who said Sarkozy was blurring the lines between public and private life, but check this out:
Sarkozy also came under fire from Egyptian lawmakers, who said it was improper of him to share a hotel room with his girlfriend LOL.
Independent Egyptian Member of Parliament Gamal Zahran said in parliament that by welcoming Sarkozy and Bruni, Egypt was giving the impression that the Muslim country was "ready to accept official prostitution by heads of state," All foreigners as long as they are not from a predominantly Muslim nation are allowed to shack up with their lovers at hotels here, you don't have to be a head of state to be able to do that!
POEM - IN 2008 - DONT HATE !!
2008 is the year to learn to appreciate. All those around us who may produce results we'd like to emulate.
A year to capitulate.
To give up the hatred, jealousy and instead congratulate one another on jobs well done.
To not trespass and forgive those who trespass against us instead of trying to instigate and escalate the hate.
A time to reiterate, principles of good.
To obliterate, all but our woes in the ways of the Noble and the laureate.
Actions speak louder than words as intentions travel far but can disintegrate, while actions truly disseminate.
Sowing the seed to the harvest we cultivate, pray to the Lord our faults he abrogate and fully exonerate us to never tribulate.
Steadfast and resolute in our resolve to eliminate the ailment of envy and hate in this forth year.
Lets teach with this simple poem, in the year 2008 - the theme may not be to Love, but at least to tolerate.
I challenge everyone, In 2008 NOT TO HATE!
A year to capitulate.
To give up the hatred, jealousy and instead congratulate one another on jobs well done.
To not trespass and forgive those who trespass against us instead of trying to instigate and escalate the hate.
A time to reiterate, principles of good.
To obliterate, all but our woes in the ways of the Noble and the laureate.
Actions speak louder than words as intentions travel far but can disintegrate, while actions truly disseminate.
Sowing the seed to the harvest we cultivate, pray to the Lord our faults he abrogate and fully exonerate us to never tribulate.
Steadfast and resolute in our resolve to eliminate the ailment of envy and hate in this forth year.
Lets teach with this simple poem, in the year 2008 - the theme may not be to Love, but at least to tolerate.
I challenge everyone, In 2008 NOT TO HATE!
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