It is almost like their behaviour taunts us easy going Muslims to actually go out and become terrorists or at least be instigated into doing something stupid that would inadvertently make us out to be the savage cult that they so precariously make us out to be. Making the only option to get around such regressive thinking, is to actually join in a little bit, in the smear campaign against Islam. This will avail us the brownie points required to be in their good favor & gain there so badly needed acceptance. What .. ? Not me!
I have seen this malady on the numerous blogs of several Egyptians. The sad thing is the more they are against Islam & say pro Zionist anti-Islamic crap, the more popular this novelty is & their blogs become.
I mean everyone is entitled to their own opinions & everything but seriously, what the hell ever happened to believing in God & Country? What happened to ethics, morality, patriotism, belief and not selling out?
My frustration was vented a short while ago on someones blog, when I said that I was not in the habit of blindly pleasing my ex-colonial captors. Now get this, I was blasted by someone other than your typical Islam hater, it was a pro Islamic fellow whom I have since become pals with. But it was his initial reaction which got me thinking that there must be some sort of unwritten political code in the blog world, where one must adhere to a conceptual norm of moderation in order to appease the common crowd that erected these beliefs, this is what got me curious about blogging.
You are right to think that I would not like to be labelled a terrorist or have my religion made fun of in any way shape or form. But now that it has come down to it, although I am not a terrorist or a terrorist supporter, I will be glad to be called a terrorist before I join in the bashing of my very own religion.
No matter how misunderstood my religion is, your calling me a terrorist does nothing to corroborate your absurd claim that it is a bad religion. On the contrary, it is the simplest & most direct, completely unchanged religion in the Universe, case closed. So go ahead & call me a terrorist if that's what your ignoramus personalities require of you. Meanwhile I will be respecting all faiths whilst you continue not to leave mine alone. Why, because that's what well rounded moderate Muslims do.
I noticed the trend too , .. too many of the Egyptian bloggers are anti Islam in a way or another... I find it quite disturbing , but I am attributing it to one of two things, ..... either its the way I go through blogs , which is following links around, ..... therefore bloggers naturally lead me around to other bloggers with similar ideology , .... OR , aggressive revolutionist bloggers (typically the more famous ones and the more aggressive) have a personality trend which causes them to be like that.... ie aggressive, defiant anti-control, and consequently anti-religion ,,,,
:) i dunno ,,
To answer an earlier question by u Sam .... I stopped blogging because to do it properly I have to put a huge time investment not just in writing but in reading other people's blogs and following up news and events ... I've been constantly studying for different exams for the last two years , Well good luck to you :)
and I made the mistake of blowing up my cover and therefore not bing able to be totally honest and open with myself and all my dear readers :)
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