Even though they still lack the basic breakfast menu here in Egypt like Egg Mcmuffins and Pancakes and what not that you can find in the West, Egypt has still come a long way indeed since the early 80's.
Back then there was only one channel on tv, things were just a little backwards to say the least.
I explicitly remeber coming to live in Egypt for the first time -- for some strange reason -- way back 1982 from Washington D.C.
Being accustomed to good ol American Junk food and what not, it was so depressing moving to Egypt, I remeber full well. You couldn't even buy a pizza here except at a place called La Cassetta, and it was really expensive. My folks kept on telling me that it was the equivelant of two weeks pay of a government employee with 5 kids. Just so that I would appreciate them taking me thereto eat every blue moon or so.
You also couldn't grow your hair past your ears back then if you were a guy, even though Michael jacksons' thriller topped the charts back then. The population was 30 million and people thought that was an astronomical figure lol, compared to todays 70+ million. That means the population has more than doubled in the past two decades, wow.
There was lots of traffic back then too but not as bad as today, now way and I remeber that Ahmad Adawiya song "zahma ya Donia zahma," he was the equivelant of todays Shaaban Abdel Rahim I guess you could say.
Mcdonalds didn't come to Egypt till the mid 90's, I guess it hasd something to do whith when saddam invaded kuwait and all the Gulf Arabs were like 'What - there is no God damn Mcdonalds here!' Though I must admit there was KFC & Wimpy back then long before I even arrived in Egypt.
So in essance you see Egypt has come a long way but in all reality I think it has a long way to go yet.
Having reverse culture shock is quite common every time I leave egypt for a couple of years and return. So I have learned to accept the fact that Egypt will never really be anything like the West and I should stop comparing.
For what it's worth, good job egypt yet you still have a long way to go.
ana olt abareklak el blog beta3ak wakoon awel 7ad ye'comment... hehe
I truly believe that your blog will be amazing...
Egypt itself has just come out of several traumatizing shocks in the 80's... in the 40's egypt was heading in one direction, 50's came and took egypt somewhere completely different, 60's was mainly war oriented, 70's too, then peace came and infitah which is a completely different third direction in such a short time, then the 80's came ya 7aram with the death of Sadat... so egypt in the 80's was so confused... rise of militant Islam, globalization, ninja turtles, it was amazing I grew up in the 80's and 90's... it was like watching change take place as i get older every year, but it wasn't change in the right direction... yalla there's only more change to come so rabena yostor 3ala walayah...lololololey... zaghrooda e7tefalan bel blog el gedid...:)))
yalla...amaze us :)))
I really hate it when black people, try to make up for their inferirity complexes by talking about Egypt, Arabs and Islam.
Man! Egypt is too sophistcated for black brain
Thank you so much ISIS for the kind words & the encouragement. I was only dabbling with the idea of starting my own blog. I admit that your blog was an inspiration and helped me arrive at my decision so, cheers & thanx.
You are absoulutely right about Egypt going in 90 different directions all at once since early times, even before we were born. I just imagine what are parents must have gone through, you know? I guess they are really used to it by now and we should follow their lead and not get too worked up about anything & hope for the best but expect the worst. Believe me, that "IS" being optimistic.
Man what is up with you Amre el Abyad? What wave length are you on? Why are you coming off as a hateful individual by assuming that the author of this blog is a black man who is talking down on Egypt?
I happen to know him very well and is above answering such absurdity. By the way he is a very polite, well educated, very handsome, 100%Egyptian from an extremely well known & educated family..
Plus learn how to spell the word inferiority correctly & try not being a racist, (The pot calling the kettle black) and be civilized like Egyptians have been renowned for doing since the beginning of time.
as a famous lady egyptian singer once said, "el sol7 kheir" lololololeyy
Sam seven I really appreciate your good advice. It has made me rethink cerrtain issue
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